Wednesday, 22 July 2015

045 - Laurier Ultra Gentle

Recently, I have been seeing this trending video on Youtube which shows how things would be like if guys had periods. The video is so funny, but yet so true. So painfully true!

I am sure every girl would agree that we will never want to go through this monthly week-long period if we have a choice! It is such a torturing process! Apart from the really bad menstrual cramps, the fear of leakage and staining clothes, there's this discomfort on the skin which sometimes causes skin irritation. In fact, 7 out of 10 women have experienced skin irritations eg. itchiness, stuffiness and redness during periods. Such discomforts occur as skin around intimate area become more sensitive during the time of the month. :(

The new Laurier Ultra Gentle is the first dermatologically tested napkin in Singapore, clinically proven to relieve skin irritations. 

Its key efficacies are:

- Ultimate Comfort
Unique airy soft wavy surface reduces skin contact, minimizing friction and skin irritations    

- Extra Breathable
Airflow is channeled and promoted by the wavy surface, thus relieving stuffiness, moisture and itchiness 

- Quick Lock & Dry system 
Super absorbent layer locks in fluid quickly, reducing wetness on the napkin surface, leaving you drier and sticky-free.

- Advanced technology 
Developed with Japan's Advanced Skin Science Technology

- Premium quality, Made in Japan

- Suitable for all skin types especially sensitive skin 

I am amazed by the touch and feel of the Laurier Ultra Gentle on my first use because it feels so soft, almost like a piece of cloth on your skin so there's minimum rubbing and that reduces skin irritation. The other brands which I have tried are stiffer and definitely not as gentle on the skin as Laurier Ultra Gentle. So I'm definitely stocking up for my next use! Just to share, they have new lengths for both day (25cm)and night (40cm) use! :)

The Laurier Ultra Gentle can be purchased as major supermarkets/ hypermarkets, pharmacies and personal care stores. The retail prices are as follows:

Day (25cm): $5.60/ 15s
Night (40cm): $4.95/ 7s

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